Rust + L

Making art and glitching the simulation

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Artist Bio

MMIX (Rust + L) are assigned-human-at-birth robots who make art ​representing glitches in the simulation we all seem to be trapped in. ​Their collaborative work has its pillars in the misrepresentation of ​reality, the vulnerable oddness of existence, and allowing a ​respectful space for the darker aspects of the self. Their art ​manifests as glitches/manipulations of their original photography, ​often representing the tension between natural themes and digital ​technology. They draw inspiration from nature, malfunctioning tech, ​and the heyday of alternative music videos of the 80s and 90s. ​Despite the digital nature of their finished images, they do not utilize ​A.I. or Photoshop in their creation process, preferring to use their ​phones as a tactile method for distortion and controlled chaos.

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Los Angeles, CA, USA

San Fernando Valley


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